Jalebi Song No. 1 at Betarecords.com
We are a new devotee band called Jalebi and at the moment we are holding the number 1 position on the Beta Records World Beat Music Chart at their website with our song "Radha Govinda Kirtan".
6000 year old Lord Rama and Hanuman carvings in Silemania, Iraq
One of the major triumphs of modern archaeology was the hair-raising discoveries of Sir Leonard Woolley at Ur. Amidst the...
32,000 Year Old Vedic Deity Found in Germany?
This discovery brought a lot of attention in the archeological circles in Europe. In Excavations around 1930-35 at the Lonetal, German scientist already found an immense cave system with lots of prehistoric artifacts in it.
Meat-eaters Kill People
Number of people worldwide who will die as a result of malnutrition this year: 20 million / Number of people who could be adequately fed using land freed if Americans reduced their intake of meat by 10%: 100 million
Angkor Wat (Vrah Vishnulok)
Angkor Wat (Vrah Vishnulok) is often hailed as one of the most extraordinary architectural creations ever built, with its intricate bas-reliefs, strange acoustics and magnificent soaring towers.
Ten Points for Indira Gandhi
On August 22nd, 1975, Srila Prabhupada had an appointment with Indira Gandhi. In a pocket book he noted ten points to present to her. Unfortunately, Mrs. Gandhi was disturbed by rumours of a threat to her life...
Cow Protection- What the British Destroyed
As a part of the Master plan to destabilize the India, cow slaughter was initiated. Once the cows were slaughtered, then there was no manure and there is no insecticide like cow urine.
Jagannath “Great Pumpkin” in Local Newspaper
After growing a 120 lb pumpkin, Adhoksaja Devi Dasi decided to paint it with the beaming smile of Lord Jagannatha instead of the more common haunting expressions like the seasonal Jack-O-Lanterns.
Dance Ballet in Bharatnatyam Style
We are a group of artists (15) who worship Krishna and try to make people aware of Krishna, and have choreographed a dance drama named "Krishna Katha" based on north indian music and language.
Aurangzeb’s massive campaign of temple destruction
Besides numberless shrines throughout the empire, all the most famous Hindu places of worship now suffered destruction.