We are a new devotee band called Jalebi and at the moment we are holding the number 1 position on the Beta Records World Beat Music Chart at their website with our song "Radha Govinda Kirtan".
Please go to www.betarecords.com to see Beta Records World Chart classifications. We are sure that you have already visited our Beta Record web page www.betarecords.com/jalebi to listen and vote many times, right? Right! 🙂
In fact thanks to all of you and by Krsna's mercy we have received so many hits (from more than 51 countries) that we are now not only number one but we have also aced seven positions on the Beta Records World Beat top eight chart. This is what the "World" classification looks like now:
24 October 2006 Records World Beat Chart:
- Radha Govinda Kirtan
- Maha Mantra
- Namaste Narasimhaya
- Jaya Radhe
- Again With Krsna
- Jiv Jago (Wanna Be Free)
- (other)
- Shine Thru Your Eyes
To see this chart please go to homepage at www.betarecords.com look for "Charts", click and then click again on "more Charts" and scroll down to the bottom of the page! Voilà! Victory!!! smile!
While you are there please click on some songs to give us more votes and help us to maintain our position…Now that we have won this battle we do not want to lose the war! Right? Right!
We must put and keep our other songs in the top eight positions…for as long as we can! If Jalebi Music is not number one….then somebody else will be…so it may as well be us! And you have the power to make it happen! 🙂 Haribol!
We thank all of you for your marvelous support! You have been wonderful, kind and generous in giving us your continued support! We can never thank you enough!
Remember to drop a line anytime you want at speakup@jalebimusic.com
Looking forward to hearing from you! Hare Krsna! Namaste! Thanks!
JALEBI -MiraBai Devi Dasi (Shirley Marie Bradby) -Ramananda Roy Das -Yasodanandana Das