Disney lands contract to decorate Kumbha mela with giant foam temples and deities

    by Shant Baba ji

    Kumbha mela administration signs contract with Disney. Mahant Sri Jyotishananda, head of the Kumbha mela administration board, decided that the colourfulness of Kumbha Mela is still missing the professional American touch. Contact was made with the Walt Disney Company, who delegated the task to Mr. Morrison, who has been the priced Disney World decorator. Latest available technology will be used to create realistic temples, deities and vedic saints out of styrofoam. Mr. Morrisons creations can even compete with Madame Tussauds Wax Museum in Berlin.

    Lightning will be provided by Universal Studios with the help of Hollywoods finest technicians. The surprising contract worth more than 15 crores Rupees was entirely sponsored by Bisleri, and Indian subsidy of Coca Cola Company. Famous environmentalist Dr. Vandana Shiva objected to the contract due to ongoing controversy of Coca Cola exploiting water recourses all over India.

    Dr. Shiva commented, “how can sadhus who follow the oldest heritage knowledge of the world use the finances provided by multinational company to create giant twelve feet puranic foam statues?” The mahant of the Kumbha mela was not available for comments on Vandana Shivas criticism.

    Anyway, all of you are invited to join the Kumbha Mela, one of the great events this year. The administration of the Kumbha mela requests all pilgrims to bring your own steel plates and cups so that you do not contribute to the accumulation of tons of plastic, which usually all end up in the ocean.

    Disney World lands Kumbha Mela contract
    World Police patrolling over Disney World


    1. Who convinced people they need an “American touch” by creating deities out of styrofoam? (Oh yeah Disney and Universal Studios–sponsored by Coca-Cola)

      Especially when it’s important to mention bring your own plates so as “not contribute to the accumulation of tons of plastic, which usually all end up in the ocean”.