Srila B.B. Tirtha Goswami Maharaja’s Kartik Vrata videos

by Prahlad Das, Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math

Revered Vaishnavas,
Dandavat Pranams.

It brings us great pleasure to announce that some of our devotees have worked on the Kartik Vrata harikathas by most revered Gurudev of the year 2004 and uploaded on Youtube for the benefit of all the devotees.

1st yaam:

2nd yaam:

3rd yaam:

4th yaam:

5th yaam:

6th yaam:

7th yaam:

8th yaam:

Sri Damodar Vrata ki Jai!
Paptita pavan Srila Guru Maharaj ki Jai!

Sree Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad Das
(on behalf of the devotees who worked on this project)

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