Vaishnava Publications

The Game of Self-realisation

Designed to introduce newcomers to the wonderful aspects of sanatan dharma, this board game is recommended for people aged  8 to 8o. It even provides entertainment to serious devotees who will want to find time to play.

My Revered Spiritual Master

New Release from Gopal Jiu Publications. Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami delves into the pastimes and mission of Srila Prabhupada. Topics include: Srila Prabhupada's visit to Bhubaneswar, etc.

What is the Difficulty?

Now, after 25 years, I have finally risen early to write the only transcendental ecstacy that I have realized by the mercy of my spiritual master. In my writings, I have attempted to describe some of these pastimes.

New Gokul Magazine

GOKUL (Global Organisation of Krishnachaitanya's Universal Love) has published third issue of it's new magazine "The Message of Universal Divine Love". The highlights of issue are: Meaning of Krishna's Pastimes... seeks to fill the gap of literally thousands of people willing to deepen their knowledge of Vedic literature in general and Vaishnava faith in particular, and find it difficult for the lack of local or extended facilities.

Spiritus Patrick Bernard’s Christmas Album

Spiritus is composed and recorded specifically with the intention of clearing past disharmony, opening new channels to the inflow of grace, restoring balance, and facilitating deep communion between all species.

New Issue of Sri Krishna Kathamrita Magazine

Gopal Jiu Publications is pleased to announce the release of issue #11 of Sri Krishna Kathamrita magazine, "The Glories of Srimad Bhagavatam". Articles include: The dangers of reading Srimad Bhagavatam, etc.

The Power of Dharma

This book has been especially written for those who want an easy reference and introduction to the Vedic philosophy and tradition. It provides many insights into the timeless wisdom of Vedic spirituality.