Glimpses of Vraja DVD
A series of non-narrative mood videos of different places and seasons of Vraja.
What is the Difficulty?
Now, after 25 years, I have finally risen early to write the only transcendental ecstacy that I have realized by the mercy of my spiritual master. In my writings, I have attempted to describe some of these pastimes.
Hare Krishna Documentary Retells Life Of Founder
by RJ Schaffer
When Yadubara Das became a member of the Hare Krishna movement in 1970, he was assigned to become a filmmaker.
That assignment has...
New Book: Volcanic Energy
by Gandharvika d.d.
During the appearance day festival of Śrī Śrīmad Bhakti Dayita Mādhava Gosvāmī Mahārāja (Utthāna Ekādaśī, November 11th 2016) in Vṛndāvana, India, Śrī...
Shyamasundara Talks New Book “Chasing Rhinos”
With his new book “Chasing Rhinos with the Swami” now on pre-order and expected to be shipping by March 2016, legendary ISKCON pioneer Shyamasundara...
New Website
Gopal Jiu Publications is pleased to announce our completely new and reconstructed web site: Desiring to serve devotees, scholars, and aficionados of Krishna-katha, now offers...
Back to Vaikuntha published in Malay language
Ambarish das from Malaysia recently published Srila B.V. Narayan Maharajas book "Back to Vaikuntha". To obtain a copy, you can contact him at:
Gaudiya Touchstone Issue 5 Now Online
This issue of the Gaudiya Touchstone's cover story is Kumbha-Mela, the world's largest act of faith. During January/February of this year news media across India and around the world turned their attention to the confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna and mystical Saraswati rivers at Allahabad.
The famous Sofia choir sings the Sikshastakam
by Bhakti Shakti d.d.
The croation director Darko Stojkovski made an offering to Sri Chaytania Mahaprabhu and his message of love.
This recording is a unique...
8 Years and 200 Issues of KK Bindu
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu, the free e-magazine from ISKCON Gopaljiu Publications, has just entered its ninth year of circulation, and has reached 200 issues distributed to its ever-growing list of subscribers.