Names Unlimited
A new album was released last month: Names Unlimited, by Manah-siksa Devi Dasi. The Lord's eight golden instructions (Siksastakam) are presented here in English. The compositions are modern and timeless.
Crimes Against India
This is an extremely revealing and important book for protecting, preserving, and promoting the profound and ancient Vedic tradition of India. India is a most resilient country, and is presently becoming a great...
Little Krishna Charms The World
Produced by Big Animation and ISKCON’s India Heritage Foundation, Little Krishna is the first Indian animation content Nick and Evergreen Entertainment have ever bought. Big Animation has...
8 Years and 200 Issues of KK Bindu
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu, the free e-magazine from ISKCON Gopaljiu Publications, has just entered its ninth year of circulation, and has reached 200 issues distributed to its ever-growing list of subscribers.
New Website:
We live in times—human times—best characterized by the need to define the spiritual, times which are, in terms of our century, ripe for the resurgence of metaphysics. Not only has science failed...
New Website
Gopal Jiu Publications is pleased to announce our completely new and reconstructed web site: Desiring to serve devotees, scholars, and aficionados of Krishna-katha, now offers...
New Issue of Krishna Kathamrita Magazine
Gopal Jiu Publications is pleased to announce the release of the long-awaited 12th issue of Sri Krishna Kathamrita Magazine, "The Hidden Identity of Lord Jagannath". Topics include: * Srila Prabhupada's...
To Kill Cow Means to End Human Civilization
A dead cow or sheep lying in a pasture is recognized as carrion. The same sort of carcass dressed and hung up in a butcher's stall passes as food', commented Dr. John Harvey Kellogg once.
New Issue of Krishna Kathamrita
Lord Jagannath in Puri is celebrated as Patita Pavana, the savior of the fallen. With new research work, traditional art, and translations of little-known Oriya scriptures, this issue of Sri Krishna Kathamrita...
New Website: will serve as the singular repository for everything related to Swami B. V. Tripurari; a one-stop destination for regular updates on Swami's travels and projects, as well as: PDFs of all of Swami Tripurari's books, Over 600 lectures...