Book Review: Swami in a Strange Land
by Patricia Gale
In 1965, a frail-looking Indian man stepped off a cargo ship in New York wearing thin saffron robes with only a few...
Letters by Srila B.B. Tirtha Goswami Maharaj published in Hindi
A much awaited sweet collection of divine letters affectionately written by Gurudeva Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaja ji to various devotees at different...
Jayadvaita Swami Book Wins Benjamin Franklin Award
Vanity Karma, a new book by ISKCON guru Jayadvaita Swami, has been presented with the 2016 Benjamin Franklin gold award by the Independent Book...
Two Devotee Women Co-author Popular Yoga Book
For the first time ever, two women initiated into the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya Vaisnava Sampradaya have published a popular book that emphasizes the bhakti tenets in...
Devotee Author Aims Bhagavatam-Inspired Novel at Western Audience
by Madhava Smullen
With his first novel, “The Yoga Zapper,” ISKCON devotee Hari Mohan Das (Mohan Ashtakala) has blended exciting fantasy storytelling with themes from...
New Android App “Krsna – The Sweet Lord” Launches
by Madhava Smullen
An app for Android smartphones, entitled “Krsna – The Sweet Lord,” is now available on the Google Play Store for free and...
New Prabhupada Biography Comes for ISKCON’s 50th
A new biography of ISKCON Founder-Acharya Srila Prabhupada, entitled “Swami in a Strange Land: How Krishna Came to the West” is set to be...
Shyamasundara Talks New Book “Chasing Rhinos”
With his new book “Chasing Rhinos with the Swami” now on pre-order and expected to be shipping by March 2016, legendary ISKCON pioneer Shyamasundara...
Mahabharata: The Condensed Version Available on Amazon as Free Download
Torchlight Publishing is happy to announce the release today of a new e-book of the condensed version of the great epic, The Mahabharata by...
Bhagavata Subodhini: A New Study Book on the Bhagavatam
by BVP Team ISKCON News
It is believed that a classic is a book that doesn't need to be written again yet it inspires numerous...