Philosophical Articles

Agun Jalbe – Light the fire

Light the fire – the wind will come on its own to fan it!” Far greater than the statement, svayam asiddhah katham anyan sadhayet (“If you have not achieved perfection yourself, how can you give it to others?”) is the following -

yare dekha tare kaha krsna upadesa amara ajnaya guru haiya tara ei desa

Ekalavya and Arjuna

Many people consider Ekalavya’s 'guru-bhakti' to be ideal, but there is a unique deliberation concerning this topic.

Sakhya or Madhurya

Despite the objective superiority of gopi-bhava, the venerable Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami makes it clear the best rasa is the one that is subjectively best for each devotee.

On the Inevitability of Harm

by Hari-kirtana-dasa Over the last couple of weeks I’ve gone on a killing spree. I’m not proud of this fact but I can’t deny it,...

The World-Peace

by Prof. Nimananda Sevatirtha Attempts are made from time to time to make the Kingdom of Heaven descend on earth. They are of different characters....

When the Transcendental Sound Makes His Appearance

In courting the Love of Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya we must not busily equip ourselves with troublesome acquisitions of imperfect manifestations. Rather we must simply undergo an operation to remove our cataract via the beneficial spike of all His good teachings.

Lord Caitanya’s Pastimes in Jagannatha Puri

"Now please hear about Lord Jagannatha's going to the Gundica temple while Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu danced before the Ratha car. The Lord performed kirtana...

Do We Pull or Draw Lord Jagannath?

by Rasavihari das By Krishna's arrangement, during the time of Maharaj's stay in New York, 1997, Lord Jagannath decided to go on His annual sojourn...

Do Not Approach Directly

Our Guru Maharaja, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada, asked that we keep Radharani in great reverence

Spirit of the Environment

Our present environmental crisis is in essence a spiritual crisis.