Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mission opens Preaching centers in Africa

by Chaitanya Chandra das Dear accept my humbly obeisance all glories to Krishna and Vaishnavas By the mercy of Gurudev BHAKTI VICHAR BISHNU MAHARAJ all glories...

World Holy Name week 2014

This year ISKCON`s World Holy Name Week (WHNW) will take place between September 5th and the 15th, 2014.

Moscow Devotees Celebrate 40th Anniversary of Prabhupada’s Visit

by Madhava Smullen One thousand devotees from all over Russia gathered in Moscow for an eight-day festival from June 12th to 19th this summer, celebrating...

Italian Parliament Hosts ISKCON 50 Conference

By Parabhakti das The conference was entitled “Fifty Years of the Krishna Consciousness Movement: Srila Prabhupada, Messenger of Peace and Spiritual Knowledge” and it was...

Malaysia: Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple is Penang’s Newest Landmark

There may be many Hindu temples in Malaysia, but the Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple of Devotion and Understanding in Seberang Jaya, Penang, is...

Bhakti Vichar Vishnu Maharaja’s European Preaching Tour

Bhakti Vichar Vishnu Maharaja in Harinam Sankirtan
By the blessings of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj ji, Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math is engaging two specialist devotees for...

Harinam Creates History in the Middle East

by Ekalavya Das Brahmachari Harinam Sankirtan or the congregational chanting of the Holy Name, initiated and propagated by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself, continues to...

Sydney Opera House to Host ISKCON 50th Celebration

by Madhava Smullen A world-class show celebrating ISKCON’s 50th anniversary entitled “Transcendental Journey: Krishna 50 Years On” is set to play at the iconic Sydney...

100,000 Attend 40th Anniversary of Krishna Balarama Temple

An incredible 100,000 visitors and devotees from all over the world took part in Krishna Balarama Mandir’s week-long 40th anniversary celebrations from March 23rd...

NYC’s 5th Avenue Parade Launches ISKCON’s 50th Anniversary

Three 40-foot high, colorfully-decorated Rathayatra carts hand-pulled by devotees and surrounded by thousands of chanting and dancing people —rolled down New York’s 5th Avenue...