New Political Party Started by Vaishnavas
Chakrapani das has done solid research to show how the Ethik Partei can offer tangible help to people in this world. The party is registered in Switzerland and Germany and is now also forming in South America.
Jalebi Song No. 1 at
We are a new devotee band called Jalebi and at the moment we are holding the number 1 position on the Beta Records World Beat Music Chart at their website with our song "Radha Govinda Kirtan".
Radha Kunda Appearance Snan 2006
On the eighth day of the waning phase of the Kartik month the appearance day of Radha Kunda is celebrated. Bathing in Radha Kunda is especially benefical on this day as one gains the favor of Radha.
Jagannath “Great Pumpkin” in Local Newspaper
After growing a 120 lb pumpkin, Adhoksaja Devi Dasi decided to paint it with the beaming smile of Lord Jagannatha instead of the more common haunting expressions like the seasonal Jack-O-Lanterns.
Devotees Drown in Mayapur Floods
With great regret we wish to inform the community of devotees about the disappearance of Srimati Gauri dasi, her three years old daughter Yamunangi, and her brother-in-law, Sriman Sri Hari dasa.
Grand Opening of Sandipani Muni School
Sandipani Muni School Kartik festival will start on the 4th of October and will end on 10th. Seven days of transcendental celebrations. Daily there will be Sandipani Muni School performances followed by rasalila and prasadam.
Sri Ratha Yatra Mahotsav in Vrindavan
This year the Ratha yatra festival of the beloved Jagannath deity of Sri Murari Gupta, will take place on 26/27 June 2006.All devotees are invited to participate and also to contribute some service/donation to the festival.
Grenade Attack at Iskcon Temple in Manipur
A Krishna temple was the victim of a bomb blast on Wednesday, August 16th. Unknown assailants threw a hand grenade into a crowd of people sitting under a large tent outside of the Iskcon temple.
Cows Slaughtered for Manufacturing Mridangas
My workers went personally to Mayapur and spoke to many mrdanga manufacturers. They procure cow skin from local Muslim agents and these cows are slaughtered for making mrdanga skins.
Tony Blair Supports Ratha Yatra
I am glad to have this opportunity to convey my support for the 36th annual Ratha Yatra Festival and to signal the Government's strong commitment to diversity and the contribution it can make to Britain today.