13 Mile Long Crop Circle-like Formation (Sri Yantra) in Oregon
On August 10, 1990, Bill Miller, a pilot in the Idaho Air National Guard, noticed a huge etching on a dried-up lake-bed while flying...
Japanese town named after Hindu goddess lakshmi: Consul General
'Kichijoi', a town near Tokyo in Japan, was named after Hindu goddess lakshmi, consort of Hindu god Vishnu," said Takayuki Kitagawa, Consul General...
Naimisharanya, Part 6
In our first segment of this series, we featured one of the most famous holy sites at Naimisharanya Dhama – the Chakra Kunda at...
The Vedas Say They must be Shared With Everyone
by Sri Nandanandana dasa (Stephen Knapp)
For those of us who have traveled the length and breadth of India, there are many temples that have allowed...
Misconception of Indian Caste System
Casteism in India has gotten a lot of criticism, and rightly so. The way casteism is at present should not even exist. We should...
The Sampradaya of Sri Caitanya
By Satyaraj Das and Dr. Deadwyler
The question of sampradaya, or the disciplic lineage of spiritual teachers, is the basis of authority for all religious...
The story of Sri Tiruppana
In the book Prapannamrita, we hear the story of Sri Tiruppana, who was born a low caste chandala in South India.
Once, he lost consciousness...
Islamic India – The biggest holocaust in World History
With the invasion of India by Mahmud Ghazni about 1000 A.D., began the Muslim invasions into the Indian subcontinent and they lasted for several...
The Birth of Sita Devi
In honor of Sita Devi's Appearance, we present a beautiful Indian Miniature depicting an episode from the Ramayana -- the Birth of Sita devi....
Sri Dham Parikram: Rembering Acarya Vani
In his life, Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī Ṭhākura Prabhupāda travelled to nearly all the holy places...