Becoming a Force for Good in the World
A 4 Part Webinar Series Presented by the Science of Identity Foundation
Starts August 28 Register:
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In the world today there appears to be a great rarity of real love and compassion. We experience a lack of kindness and friendship, a scarcity of honesty and simplicity. True happiness and humility are rare. But fear is not rare, nor is international, interracial, interfaith, and intersexual conflict and it becomes all too easy to be overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness. What can the wisdom of yoga teach us about the personal steps we can take to make a positive contribution to those around us and the world we live in? Please join in as the Science of Identity Foundation presents this four-part series during live streaming one-hour broadcasts. Discover the way to true peace and happiness, plus take part in beautiful and moving mantra meditation as Acharya das leads us through kirtan.
Part one: Be a Force for Good August 28
It’s easy to lose hope for the future when all you see in the news is conflict, violence, anger, fear and suffering. Instead of feeling helpless, learn how you can become someone who can bring about positive change and be a force for good. With knowledge and wisdom, all of us can help to make the world a better, more compassionate place.
Part two: How to End Racism and Bigotry September 4
One of the most divisive issues facing the world today is bigotry and racism. Race riots, shootings, bullying and discrimination are becoming increasingly common. What does the wisdom of yoga have to teach us about the things that divide us? Are we destined to be forever divided by race, ethnicity, religion, etc. or can we end racism and bigotry and bring about peace and harmony?
Part three: Is Envy Stealing Your Happiness? September 11
Do you feel dissatisfied when you compare your life to other people’s lives? Instagram feeds are famously full of the shiny, happy pictures of other people’s perfect hair, perfect clothes, perfect life… and not to mention their perfectly executed yoga poses in exotic locations. When we compare ourselves to people with more money, fame, beauty, talent, personality, luck, and so on, it’s easy to be overwhelmed with feelings of discontent or envy. But this tendency to compare ourselves with others is incredibly destructive and keeps us from experiencing inner peace and happiness. How can envy and frustration be removed once and for all, setting us free and allowing us to live a truly happy life?
Part four: A Spiritual Approach to Economic and Environmental Problems September 18
Not a day passes without another news headline informing us of dire global environmental and economic crises. Our concern about climate change, deadly air pollution and rapid deforestation conflicts with the increasing demand for fuel, resources and space for farming and housing. Too often it seems that environmental and the economic issues are in direct opposition to each other. How can we walk the path between ensuring that everyone has access to adequate resources while protecting and conserving the natural environment which sustains us?
About the Presenter: Acharya Das has taught yoga wisdom to appreciative audiences all around the world for over 40 years. He has as an uncommonly deep understanding of yoga philosophy and practice and conveys that message in a clear and simple way. Acharya Das is a disciple of Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupanada and Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad in the Brahma Madhva Gaudiya yogic lineage.
Learn more about Acharya Das at
4:00 PM HAST | 7:00 PM PDT | 10:00 PM EDT
Science of Identity Foundation