by Kavi Karnapura das
Principles of Life
On December 12, 2015, in the eco-village Varsana Jardínes Ecológicos, located on Via Granada, Cundinamarca, we presented the spoken law of the Great Spirit to mankind, in which we announce the rules and regulations of the origin and the way of life. Thus, through this document, we renew the ancient word to fulfill this agreement.
This word was placed on white paper after the Hoska ceremony ended: “word prayer breath of life from the tobacco”. The ceremony took place during the meeting of Indigenous Spiritual Authorities, Kiva Ceremony and Roots of the Earth, who came to South America from the north to fulfill the prophecy of the union of the peoples. This is what dawned:
The ancestral peoples here gathered: Nadda, Panches, Misak, Kogui, Wiwa, Uwa, Yana-cona, Cofan, Embera Chami, Huitoto, Quimbaya, Mhuisqa Chibcha, Wirrarikas, Vaisnava, Maya Chontal, Maya Quinche, Apache, Quechua, and native mestizos, want to announce to all mankind that we all have a common origin and that common origin is the mind: the mind of the Great Spirit, from which everything originates. Thus, it is our duty to place our mind in communion with the source, remembering that we came here to live from and for her.
Today we are reborn in the following nine breaths of life:
1. We recognize our Mother-Father Creators as our Law of Origin, who are manifested and expressed in the natural order and thus we declare ourselves: the United Nations of the Spirit.
2. We propose a way to educate real human beings based on our WAYS OF LIFE.
3. We invite human beings, who have forgotten their ancestral memory, to come and drink from this fountain of ancient wisdom.
4. We believe that all nature (elemental spirits, minerals, animals, plants, forests, rivers, mountains, humans, planets, stars, and the invisible) are not resources. They are our family, and therefore it is essential to live together in harmony.
5. We declare that interculturality and an exchange of knowledge encourages recognition of our common humanity, respect of our differences, and development of common agreements based on the Law of Origin of each of the ancestral peoples.
6. We declare that our spirituality is not a form of exotic religion, but a way of life in agreement with all beings, nature and the Universe.
7. We recognize the divine universal mother in woman, but in her, we do not recognize the model of transient beauty, which originates the idea that we can own and control the world.
8. We are fulfilling the dream of our ancestors. Our ancient peoples have the silence to know how to listen and the word to know how to speak and propose. This is an educational proposal, which is urgent for humanity, which puts the BEING in the center and the coexistence in harmony with all the visible and invisible beings. So, with the foundations of ancient tradition, stands a new old united humanity in the nine corners of the world.
9. We announce our government system to be the COSMOGEOCRACY. The order and the government of the cosmos is linked to the order and government of the Earth, where everything is interconnected; to accomplish this, we must extend, share and prepare the land, so the seed of the human heart germinates and thrives.
This is the unreleased word from the native peoples of the north, east, west and south. A new-old word- order which was asleep; a word – order reborn for humanity in all the directions. This word -order- had to be fulfilled from the beginning of the universe, guided by the elders, the guardians of that knowledge. The word of the breath of life of the sacred tobacco medicine represents this birth, through which the pollen of ancient memory is awakened. This word of the breath that creates the seed pulp that is transformed in all the kingdoms, in all the elemental spirits, humans, planets, stars and the invisible.
Through the word that comes from the heart, each nation surrendered the ideas and beliefs that did not allow them to see clearly. Everyone allowed themselves to give up individually and collectively what dwelt in them as parasites and weevil, everything that obstructed the reconnection with the original conscious. Through the preparation of the amilra (ancestral ceremony performed with tobacco leafs), it purifies everything that prevents us from seeing clearly. The contemporary human being had lost the ambil stick and the ambil (the spirit of the word), so he remained asleep in the flow of illusion in a world of appearances, forgetting the original law that has now been recovered.
We are the announced prophecies of the peoples and nations around the world, in compliance with the birth of a new humanity, a new ancient culture, where every nation is responsible for its natural norms and its law of origin. We must all return to the mind of the great creative spirit and from there multiply this story of origin, and from there announce that there is a path for the human seed that we are, the seed of the Creator from the beginning.
We now return to the path of the natural BEING, considering and respecting that each native nation prepared the path for cultivating the human seed. Today we are restored in the CosmoGeoCracy, so that the human seed germinates and thrives to become Naturagentes, guardians and custodians of life.
The native people propose to follow the steps that the ancient peoples left us. Even before conception, during gestation and in the vital cycle of labor, the being is connected to the natural order; otherwise it is not possible to be human without understanding this order. It is our duty to live in communion and in community, from the mystery of creation. We are all more than what is manifested; this includes all of nature, since there is a higher mind (God), the essence to which we unite to become community. Therefore, we propose an agreement to return to the wisdom of origin that allows us to be one with everything and everyone.
We, the ancient peoples, offer a cultural agreement: the agreement between ancient wisdom of naturalhumanization and the artificial technological world. We intend to generate a synthesis between what was brought in 1492 and what we have had here since the beginning, to generate a new old order, to allow the path of existence. We understand that the modern world has taken life and caught existence, that is why we propose a path that orders existence. In other words for all humans to have the possibility to walk the walk of existence of who we truly are, for we are not the body and yet we are the body. To walk allowing everyone to become explorers of this mystery, returning from the origin to remember who we really are and adjust our lives to allow everyone to exist. This is what we, the ancient peoples, mestizos, white and native-mestizos gather here today propose.
This continent is basically mestizo and we return to our heritage and memory of the native mother and the land (native-mestizo) to generate a synthesis. We DO NOT deny the western world, we propose an agreement: an agreement to return to be Naturagentes.
We declare ourselves to be the communities of the United Nations of the Spirit of the Naturagente.
The United Nations of the Spirit (NUE)
This meeting was the realization of a dream that would-be guardians of nature had long ago. These guardians sought to be supported in their activities and thinking, backed by a knowing ancestral guide. These aspirants heard statements from the grandfathers and grandmothers of different ancient ethnicities and cultures about the chaotic situation in the world and advice to solve the various environmental problems based on their traditions and knowledge.
This effort to bring together different ancestral knowledge was received as a relief, and further, with the support by the collective ancestral leaders, to join the United Nations of the Spirit. On the fourth day of the celebration, in the Temple of the Heart of Mother Earth, the sacred memory was expressed in the prayers of the wise grandparents present to create this new platform, which represents the interests of all.
On the last day of the Kiva in Granada- Cundinamarca (located an hour from Bogota, Colombia), the message of humanity was signed with the ambil (sacred tobacco). More than a message, it is an invitation to be an activist, a representative and a defender of the United Nations of the Spirit. This news was received with great enthusiasm and joy, filling the vacuum that had been created by the lack of unity among peoples and used by the narrow interests of powerful corporations who often abuse and cause disunity among the various ancient communities concerned about the planet.
Additionally, international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) such as Avaaz, Navdanya, and many others, have published studies on the environmental emergency, which has inspired activists to make various efforts to establish the rights of Mother Nature through the law of origin, to ensure compliance with this law, and to protect the planet from climate change and the native peoples from oppression.
The unity in diversity promulgated by the United Nations of the Spirit is based on love and respect and focused on the areas of collective needs to strengthen multiculturalism and harmony between peoples. In love, one never forgets that a cosmic constellation has the ability to perfectly place each star and as the circle of water moistens the earth and makes life in it, diversity protects the ancient cultures. The ancient cultures are the basis for generating a great impact on the world against the forces that have created difficulties between peoples.
The constitution of the United Nations of the Spirit was developed after many nights of meditation and reflection in the rotunda. This place was accepted by the wise grandparents as a historic site where members of different cultures and ethnicities would be found and thus, where the guidance of ancestral authorities can be obtained. At the time of the grandparents’ signing, the Mayor of Granada Cundinamarca came with his wife and was the first to sign the agreement and symbolically receive the message of the grandmothers and grandfathers in the forming of the United Nations of the Spirit.
The document was immediately printed in order to accompany the cultural activities and the dissemination of those who subscribe to the United Nations of the Spirit. A plan was made for the purpose of mass dissemination using the media and translation for our mother earth. We ask all who read this message about signing the agreement to spread this knowledge by all possible means.
Projects that connect with humanity.
Composed of wise grandmothers and grandfathers of the native peoples, the United Nations of the Spirit is not a legislative body, being dependent on the impact and the purity of those who truly follow the path of the ancient wisdom. We have faith that people seeking clarity in this world can embrace and actively promote this message. However, different methodologies are recommended to accelerate the purification process and by participating with the maximum amount of convinced and enthusiastic people, they themselves can form small groups to raise awareness of the United Nations of the Spirit and have access to all teaching materials produced. The United Nations of the Spirit is a non-profit initiative to build confidence in their leaders and precepts. It is the individual responsibility of the various political structures in the world to find ways to incorporate ancient wisdom and the recommendations of the United Nations of the Spirit in their local situations.
The United Nations of the Spirit’s transcendent realities are based on our faith and purpose of life and coexistence and for this the agreements made between the local wise grandparents and grandmothers with the administration or modern systems and their various impacts will depend on the maturity of the location and individual. Certainly, it will take a long time to achieve harmonization of difficulties, but the situation is urgent and therefore we believe that people will strive tirelessly to halt the destruction of the planet and its inhabitants for the sake of their children.
Energy and consumption
There exists clean energy, such as solar or wind, which can help keep some of the elements that characterize modern life, but only if our habitat is not affected. . Similarly, there are forms of eating that can easily solve most of the environmental problems on the planet. With the simple step of making the switch to a vegetarian and organic diet, the planet and animals would be benefited and automatically, among other things: global warming would be slowed, felling of forests would be avoided, and the spreading of factory farms and monoculture would be slowed,.
In the field of education, ancestral wisdom accepts all knowledge and good advice no matter its source, as long as the knowledge and advice are suitable for the survival of the ecosystem and are approved by the authorities of the United Nations of the Spirit. Education of ancestral wisdom draws on the research of different ancient cultures especially how their messages can maintain our ecosystem and prevent the extinction of animal and plant species. All of this material will be available and will be distributed in different sites dedicated to research and teaching. These sites are both physical and virtual and will always be the product of the knowledge of the ancient wisdom and the UDSA.
The UDSA is the Universidad de Sabiduría Ancestral (University of Ancestral Wisdom) that has been established in Santa Marta in connection with the Naturagente under the inspiration of the Ikwashendwna, who are also part of the United Nations of the Spirit, represented by Luntana Mamo, Mamo Lorenzo, Ati Quigua and the Manager of UDSA, Paramadwati Swami. All of this is delivered in the unifying text of the declaration of the United Nations of the Spirit
Another important area of work is the area of Agriculture. Perma Culture promotes food security without ruining our planet. To promote this kind of knowledge, it is recommended to develop eco villages that with the support of all people and the organization of seed banks for original and organic seeds, these seeds can be protected from extinction.. The strategy to protect the seeds is to return them to the hands of women, who have always been the original guardians of the seeds.
Regarding Ancestral Medicine, there is an appreciation that can be also called Natural and Emotional Medicine. This medicine has a greater ability to heal deeply and should be supported by this government before resorting to allopathic medicine. Recovery of traditional healing is essential, especially the recovery of preventative medicine. Despite supposed technological progress, or probably as a result of technological development, we are experiencing great epidemics, immune deficiencies and allergies.
In other areas, where science and modernity offer new methods, these methods must be carefully evaluated to ensure they do not bring consequences that are more harmful than the proposed solution.
These projects are just a few of the many that will arise in the future. We mention here only some of them to get an idea of the implications and extensions of the commitments assumed by different global awareness groups, and which have an impact on the agreements of the United Nations of the Spirit.
Video projects
In order for people to better understand the impacts of Ancestral Wisdom, we have taken different videos that have been published and made them available to anyone who wants to know more under the Pacto Mundial Consciente (World Conscious Pact) platform. Examples of these videos include the documentary 9.70, which shows the disaster caused by policies regarding control over seeds, and the documentary, Quintin Lame, Root of the People, directed by Pedro Pablo Tattay, where the story is told of an indigenous leader who promoted a successful civil disobedience movement before even Mahatma Gandhi. There are also a great quantity of interviews and programs from the wise grandparents, members of the Pacto Mundial Consciente (World Conscious Pact) and the Ikwashendwna and the United Nations of the Spirit, in which they uniquely share their teachings with the example of their own lives. Among these materials, we tell the story of INISA, one of the brave fighters against the injustices committed against the Arhuacos through the life of Taita Rodolfo and his struggle for their ancestral village.
Conscious Art.
Similarly, movies are being made regarding the artistic dissemination and the work done by the Chaskis. These messengers of love lead with their music and art, providing us encouragement in the cultivation of values and the need to fight, creating a research and reporting platform for anything that may threaten the coexistence of people and the welfare of the planet. They provide networking newsletters and festivals of music, art and healing, where one can teach and one can study how to live a life of real spiritual progress while using modern conveniences.
Psychology of individuals
Materials including studies and research related to perennial psychology, the psychological condition of people, are also being compiled. The purpose of perennial psychology is to understand the right of each individual to happiness and liberty.
For the dissemination of these materials and with the intention to always keep love and respect for all Ancestral Wisdom and events of the United Nations of the Spirit, we maintain platforms such as the Pacto Mundial Consciente (World Conscious Pact) and a monthly newsletter to keep activists connected online, In similar fashion, we have recently founded a website for the United Nations of the Spirit called:
We will attempt to keep you informed in the best possible way, although it is always impossible to maintain complete information and it is not necessary, since the success of the information is to work in the right spirit. To be successful we offer our prayers to all participants, especially all wise grandparents of all traditions, so that they can grow and support services where there are so many needs.
Broadcasting tour
In December 2015, after the KIVA and the launch of the United Nations of the Spirit with your declaration of Ancestral Wisdom, they toured Colombia, Ecuador and Peru with the presence and support of many people: Chasquis, Mensajeros de Amor (Messengers of Love), members of the Universidad de la Sabiduría Ancestral (UDSA, University of Ancestral Wisdom) and feather carriers of the Guardians of nature. They recognize each other and invite all those who desire so and are committed to world citizenship, as had been proposed by Dr. Vandana Shiva.
This tour set out to visit the major cities of these three countries, in order to spread the joys and updates manifested at the late 2015 meeting of the grandfather and grandfathers tby the infinite graces of the Divine Masculine and Feminine.
In each of these places, we delivered the big news of this event and encouraged every conscious individual to support and promote this important event.
The proposal for the future
We propose that this transcendental agreement, the declaration by United Nations of the Spirit, should be presented to all heads of state in the world, to all the governors, to all the mayors, to all the teachers and also to all the students, for them to study, ratify and legally publish, pledging themselves, both individually and collectively, to the precepts of the United Nations of the Spirit.
With the addition of each individual who wants to support this awakening of consciousness by delimiting and disseminating this information, we long to see a massive transformation of consciousness that will collectively create a real impact on the care of mother earth, slowing the runaway situation of global warming and falling values and respect between people.
The declaration envisions a union of people, full of integrity and trust in the ability of each individual to be part of this initiative. Understanding that it is the duty of every son and grandson to essentially become a grandfather, not only as a matter of reproduction but to become a being that preserves the ancient wisdom. This is the invitation of the program of the United Nations of the Spirit to those who want to remedy the pain of the world.
The Maloka
The purposes of the United Nations of the Spirit can only be achieved through people accepting the precepts in their heart and who want to experience it and represent it. That is why it is necessary that efforts must be made to make it known and to organize local awareness groups, where each person is capable and authorized to hold meetings that the grandparents vowed to continue at the rotunda, where the concept of the United Nations of the Spirit came to life.
In this place, they will hold frequent meetings and and prayers of the sacred memory of ancestral peoples to guide mankind with many answers that are needed at this time. This rotunda is a Maloka, which was built by the bamboo manufacturer Villay in the sacred territory of the Muiscas, which is currently under the protection of the Varsana Eco Yoga Village in Colombia. In connection with this place, Adolfo, the grandfather of the Amazons, declared that he had seen in a dream that this meeting would occur and would happen in a rotunda of five moons. as the builder managed to develop the Maloka. The Maloka is also known as Nath Mandir in Vedic culture and is a site suitable for the glorification of Ancestral Wisdom of the prayers of invocation.
All individuals and organizations of the world are invited to subscribe by the signing the document and thereby increasing its value. This can be done via the websites of the Pacto Mundial Consciente ( and the United Nations of the Spirit.( Your signature can be added to the list of those who support the attendees who witnessed the United Nations of the Spirit KIVA demonstration by writing to the email:
Photo: Kavi light
This photo was taken at the meeting of grandparents in the Hall of the NUE. No explanation is available for the light phenomenon that manifested and was caught on camera.