Sri Caitanya Sangha is pleased to announce the launch of a new website: will serve as the singular repository for everything related to Swami B. V. Tripurari; a one-stop destination for regular updates on Swami's travels and projects, as well as:
· PDFs of all of Swami Tripurari's books
· Over 600 lectures
· Hundreds of kirtans, including the largest catalog of Agnideva's kirtan legacy
· 11 years of Sanga Q & A archives
· Dozens of articles
· Images and Videos
And the archive is growing all the time!
Swami Tripurari has been speaking and writing extensively for decades, covering a diverse range of traditional and contemporary subjects pertinent to the Gaudiya community as well as a broader spiritual audience. Now we have collected this large array of resources into one site as an offering to those looking to explore Swami's unique and substantial contributions. Come check out and read, listen, watch, and comment!