Kartik Vrata 2010

Kartik Vrata 2010 : under the benign guidance of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj, President Acharya: Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math.

Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math is organizing this year's main Kartik Function in Guwahati, Assam.

Kartik is the best, the purest of purifiers, and most glorious of all months. Kartika month is particularly dear to Lord Sri Krsna. This month is full of bhakta vatsalya. Any vrata, even the smallest, will yield huge results. The effect of performing a Kartika Vrata lasts for one hundred lifetimes, whereas ordinary vratas only last for one lifetime!

Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math devotees observe the intense sadhana of eight period of devotional service as mentioned in Bhajan Rahasya. Srila Gurudev advises that everyone should try to participate in the Kartik Vrata observance.

The festival will have daily Nagar Sankirtan in different parts of Guwahati.

Hence we request you to participate in this devotional congregation and make your life successful.

Dated; 18th october 2010 to 17th november 2010

Special Days
Tuesday 19 Oct, Paksha-Varddhini Mahadvadashi – Kartik Vrata Starts
Saturday 30 Oct, Radhakunda Appearance day

Tuesday 2 Nov, Rama Ekadasi. Fast
Sunday 07 Nov, Sri Govardhan Puja and Annakuta Festival

Sunday 14 Nov, Sri Gopastami.
Wed. 17 Nov, Utthan Ekadasi, 106th appearance day of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhav Goswami Maharaj
Morning 9 AM to 12 – Guru Puja and Puspanjali
Thru. 18 Nov Special Festival & Feast and concluding the Vrata.


Sri Chaitanya Gaudiya Math
Paltan Bazaar, Guwahati,
Pin: 781008, India

Ph: 91-361-2547170
Email: info@sreecgmath.org

Contact Details:

Math-in-charge – B.P Ashram Maharaj 09859633092,
Sripad Muni Maharaj – 09316511765

(Guwahati is in Eastern India for more info visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guwahati).


1. Devotees coming from outside Guwahati will be provided free lodging and prasadam. Please inform before if you can.
2. Devotees coming for observing full month long Kartik Vrata are requested to bring their own bedding according to season.
3. Devotees coming from outside India, please inform us if you need any special arrangements.

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