New Website

Gopal Jiu Publications is pleased to announce our completely new and reconstructed web site:

Desiring to serve devotees, scholars, and aficionados of Krishna-katha, now offers:

1) Downloadable PDF extracts from all of our books and magazines

2) Some complete books available for reading online

3) Downloadable PDF articles

4) Over 200 back issues of our free email magazine Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu

5) A search engine accessing all the past issues of Bindu and other articles on the site

6) Over 200 photos of Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Maharaja

7) Over 250 MP3 audio recordings of Maharaja available for free listening or download

8) Video lectures of Maharaja available for free viewing or download

9) A calendar of upcoming Gopal Jiu Publications parikramas

10) Facility to purchase all of our books and magazines online

11) Reviews of Gopal Jiu Publications books and magazines from various senior devotees

12) Immensely improved design and functionality

And more…

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