Patrick Bernard & Anuradha devi
Sacred chants and bhakti dances
Dates: 25-26-27 May
The concert is Friday May 25th
Time: 14h30 – 16h00pm
Where: Rainbow Spirit Festival, Baden-Baden, Germany
In the Gaya Hall
Special cost: 5 Euro
“Patrick Bernard and Anuradha devi dasi, mesmerized their audience into stillness, truly centered meditative states. After an evening of this music and dance the audience seemed purged of negative emotions. Together they have created something of immense value, something our fear and hatred ridden planet could indeed benefit from … After the performance, Bernard explained the key concept behind his music, which is designed to evoke sacred emotions, One of the best healing therapies I’ve experience in my life.”
– Julian Isaacs- PHD California USA
View a sampler of their concert on Youtube simply clicks on this link and see a divine offering of Peace: