ISKCON 50 World Holy Name Week

by Divyanam Das, Communications Global, WHNW

An important GBC initiative, to glorify Srila Prabhupada and Holy Names – World Holy Name Week (WHNW) is around the corner. This year it’s very special as it marks the 50th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s arrival in the west and bringing the Holy Names to the shores of the western world.

That World Holy Name Day is made an annual program for all ISKCON centers. The observance of the World Holy Name Day is to be held in connection with the anniversary observances of Srila Prabhupada’s arrival in the USA Sept. 17, 1965
(GBC resolution 2006)

On seeing the tremendous success and potential of this event, in 2008 GBC has resolved ‘World Holy Name Day’ into ‘World Holy Name Week’ and to celebrate this event for an extended period of time.

This year the World Holy Name Week starts from September 24th and goes till October 4th*. There are limitless ways to spread and glorify Holy Names. Here are just a few, recommended by WHNW committee:

1. Nagar Sankirtan – Harinaam processions with Mahamantra and WHNW banners

2. Kirtan Mela – One or multiple days of Kirtan festival

3. 24/12 hours Sankirtan yajna – Non-stop kirtan for 24/12 hours

4. Japathon – Pledges from devotees and congregation to chant extra rounds during this period

5. Bhagvatam class on Holy names – Morning Bhagvatam classes emphasizing on the glories and importance of Holy Names

6. Japa Seminars – Seminars on japa related topics e.g. Japa reform, 10 offenses, types of japa etc

7. Sunday feast lectures/drama/street plays on Holy Names – Presentations based on importance of Holy names and related topics

8. Japa Booth – Putting a table with beads and pamphlets in the temple for whole week encouraging newcomers to get the beads and chant

9. Inter Faith events – Invite other religions/faiths Holy Names related dialogue

10. Radio Shows – Broadcasting Hare Krishna Kirtan, especially Srila Prabhupada Dhun on radio

11. Holy Name walks – Padyatras to nearby towns and villages to distribute holy names, Prabhupada books and Prasad. The walks can be 3 days, a week or even 10 days long!

12. Harinaam concerts – Arrange Harinaam concerts (Kirtan in different styles and with musical instruments) for the public

13. Mahamantra Banners – Post Hare Krishna Mahamantra and WHNW banners/hoardings throughout the city/town/villages

14. Gift shop Sale – Special discount on Kirtan CD’s/DVD’s during this period

“If the surface of the globe is over-flooded with the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra, the people of the world will be very, very happy.
(Srila Prabhupada – Purport SB 4.24.11)

Please share this information with others, and let us participate in global celebrations of Holy Names.

*Dates are based on calculations for Mayapur, India

image WHNW2015Poster

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